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2018-2019 Graduate Catalog
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog
> CPSY - Counseling Psych
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The Graduate School
Interdepartmental Programs
College of Architecture and Planning
Miller College of Business
College of Communication, Information, and Media
College of Fine Arts
College of Health
College of Sciences and Humanities
Teachers College
ACC - Accounting
ACE - Athletic Coachng Ed
ACR - Art: Crafts
AFA - Art: Fine Arts
AHS - Art: History
ANAT - Anatomy
ANTH - Anthropology
APHY - Applied Physics
ARCH - Architecture
ART - Art
ASIA - Asian Studies
ASTR - Astronomy
AT - Athletic Training
BED - Business Education
BIO - Biology
BIOT - Biotechnology
BL - Business Law
BOT - Botany
CAP - Coll Arch & Planning
CC - Classical Culture
CFA - College of Fine Arts
CHEM - Chemistry
CJC - Crim Justice & Crimy
CM - Construction Management
COMM - Communication Stds
CPSY - Counseling Psych
CRPR - Creative Project
CS - Computer Science
CT - Computer Technology
CTE - Career and Technical Ed
DISS - Dissertation
DOC - Doctoral Candidate
ECON - Economics
EDAC - Ed: Adult & Communty
EDAD - Ed: Admin & Super
EDCU - Education: Curriculm
EDEL - Educ: Elementary
EDFO - Educ: Foundations
EDGE - Education: General
EDHI - Education: Higher
EDJH - Ed: Jr Hi Mid Schl
EDPS - Educ: Psychology
EDRD - Education: Reading
EDSE - Education: Secondry
EDST - Education: Studies
EDSU - Education: Supervsn
EDTE - Education: Technology
EMDD - Emerging Media Des Dev
EMHS - Emer Mgt Hmlnd Sec
ENG - English
EXSC - Exercise Science
FASH - Fashion
FCED - Fam & Con Sci Educ
FCFA - Fam & Con Sci Fash
FCFC - Fam & Con Sci Fam & Chl
FCFN - Fam & Con Sci Fds & Nut
FCID - Fam & Con Sci Int Des
FCPM - Fam & Con Sci Prop Mgt
FCS - Family & Consumer Sc
FIN - Finance
FL - Foreign Languages
FR - French
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GER - German
GERO - Gerontology
GRK - Greek
HIST - History
HSC - Health Science
ICS - Info & Commun Scienc
IDES - Interior Design
ID - Interdepartmental
JAPA - Japanese
JOUR - Journalism
LA - Landscape Architect
LAT - Latin
MAST - Masters Candidate
MATH - Mathematics
MBA - Master Business Ad
METC - Meteorology-Climatology
MGT - Management
MKG - Marketing
MUHI - Music: History
MUSC - School of Music
MUSE - Music: Education
MUSP - Music: Performance
MUST - Music: Theory & Comp
NEWS - News
NREM - Natural Res & Env Mg
NUR - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
PEP - Phys Ed: Professnal
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYC - Physics
PHYS - Physiology
PLAN - Planning
PMGT - Residential Prop Mgt
POLS - Political Science
PR - Public Relations
PS - Performance Studies
PSYS - Psychological Science
RELS - Religious Studies
RES - Research
RMI - Risk Mgt & Insurance
SCCO - School Counseling
SCI - Science
SNLN - Sign Language
SOC - Sociology
SOCW - Social Work
SOPS - Social Psychology
SPAA - Speech Path & Audio
SPCE - Special Education
SP - Spanish
SPTA - Sport Administration
SS - Social Science
SUST - Sustainability
TCMP - Technology: Computers
TCOM - Telecommunications
TCST - Technology: Constructin
TDPT - Technology: Department
TEDU - Technology: Education
THEA - Theatre
THES - Thesis
TMFG - Technology: Manufactrng
TPRE - Technology Preparatn
UD - Urban Design
WELN - Wellness
ZOOL - Zoology
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CPSY - Counseling Psych
CPSY 600
Introduction to School Counseling
CPSY 601
Introduction to Identity and Leadership Development for Counselors
CPSY 603
Intro Rehabilitation
CPSY 605
Intro CMH Counseling
CPSY 606
Pre-Practicum Skills
CPSY 607
Appraisal Methods
CPSY 608
Psychosocial Rehabilitation
CPSY 609
Counseling Ethics Prof Issues
CPSY 610
Career Theories and Realities
CPSY 614
Career Counseling, Assessment, and Interventions
CPSY 621
Theories and Techniques Couns
CPSY 623
Special Techniques Counseling
CPSY 624
Program Development
CPSY 631
CPSY 634
Intro Behavioral Medicine
CPSY 635
Medical Disabilities
CPSY 636
CPSY 637
CPSY 640
Practicum in Group Counseling
CPSY 644
Practicum in Counseling
CPSY 645
Special Practicum Counseling
CPSY 646
Advanced Practicum Counseling
CPSY 648
Field Experience in Counseling
CPSY 652
Projective Appraisal
CPSY 653
Research Counseling Guidance
CPSY 657
Objective Appraisal
CPSY 662
Couples Sex Therapy
CPSY 664
Family Therapy
CPSY 675
Counseling the Gifted and Talented
CPSY 676
Counseling Older Adults
CPSY 678
Counseling Culturally Diverse
CPSY 679
Advanced Diverse Counseling
CPSY 680
Social Justice
CPSY 685
Organization of the Guidance Program
CPSY 688
Group Counseling Techniques
CPSY 689
Rehabilitation Case Management
CPSY 690
Issues in Counseling
CPSY 695
Internship Counseling
CPSY 720
Advanced Theories Counseling
CPSY 722
Theories Counselor Supervision
CPSY 740
Prac Counselor Supervision
CPSY 746
Counseling Psych Practicum 1
CPSY 747
Counseling Psych Practicum 2
CPSY 749
Counseling Practicum
CPSY 753
Advanced Research
CPSY 797
Seminar Counseling Psychology
CPSY 799
Internship Counseling Psych
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