2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Certificate in Integrated Athlete Services

The Integrated Athlete Services certificate prepare students for transdisciplinary practice in working with student and professional athletes. This certificate provides training and knowledge on aspects of sport and exercise psychology, sport social work, counseling psychology, ethics, and diversity. Students will take a required course from the Department of Social Work, Sport and Exercise Psychology Program, and electives from a variety of potential programs. The certificate program has nine (9) required credit hours and six (6) elective hours.

15 credits

Required Courses, 9 credits

SOCW 570Selected Aspects of Social Work


SEPS 609Sport Psychology


SEPS 611Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology


Electives, 6 credits

Choose one course (3 credits) from the Ethics section and one course (3 credits) from the Diversity section.

Ethics, 3 credits

CPSY 609Counseling Ethics and Professional Issues


SEPS 610Ethical Issues in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology


Diversity, 3 credits

SOCW 602Diversity, Oppression, and Privilege


CPSY 678Theories and Techniques of Counseling the Culturally Diverse


ACE 604Physical Preparation and Conditioning


Total Credit Hours: 15