2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog

SCI 395 Methods of Secondary Science Teaching, Curriculum & Research

This is one of two secondary methods courses future secondary teachers will take in becoming a science teacher in secondary schools. Through coursework and targeted clinical experiences, teacher candidates will continue to form their professional identities as future educators; they will identify what students need to know and apply in order to be scientifically literate at different grade levels. Future teachers will also describe and support an educational system in which all students demonstrate high levels of performance in addition to making the decisions essential for effective learning for all students. These teachers will continue to increase their knowledge base for teaching while engaging with the integration of technology throughout the learning process. Finally, future secondary teachers will interlock communities of teachers and students that are focused on learning science, which are supportive to educational programs and systems to nurture achievement for all.  

Prerequisite: SCI 150

Parallel: EDJH 385

Open only to science teaching majors.
