Minor in Educational Technology
The undergraduate Minor in Educational Technology is a 15-credit program that gives students an understanding of how to integrate technology in educational contexts. Students explore new and emerging technologies, and discover how technology within a teachers’ instructional practice can improve learning and teaching.
The EdTec Minor is specifically focused on elementary and secondary teacher education candidates who are looking to gain expertise in technology integration within teaching and learning contexts. The minor will prepare teacher education candidates to be leaders for technology integration within the instructional contexts where they will teach.
15 credits
Required Courses, 6 credits
EDTE 250 | Curricular Integration of Technology | 3 |
EDTE 255 | Learning and Teaching with Emerging Technologies | 3 |
9 credits from
EDTE 252 | Multimedia Web Design and Development for Education | 3 |
EDTE 260 | Studies in Educational Technology | 3 |
EDTE 265 | Visual and Digital Literacies | 3 |
EDTE 370 | Technology Policy and Ethics | 3 |
EDTE 380 | Internship in Educational Technology | 2-4 |
EDTE 385 | School Information Infrastructures and Technology Leadership | 3 |
SPCE 331 | Technology in Education | 3 |
MATH 331 | Technology for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Mathematics | 3 |
Total Credits: 15