2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog

Other Educational Opportunities

Ball State Online

Ball State University serves the needs of students who are pursuing fully online degrees and certificates, as well as those seeking a blended experience of online and face-to-face courses.

Ball State Online offers all the advantages of a Ball State degree – highly trained faculty, quality courses, and more – but it’s delivered on your schedule and at a competitive price. Our award-winning programs offer our students both quality and value. We offer more than 70 online degrees, certificates, and educator licenses.

Paired with our quality educational experiences, Ball State is the first higher education institution in the country to earn Learner Support Program Certification for its online programs. The honor is given by Quality Matters (QM), a leading quality assurance organization for online education. It recognizes online programs that provide all the critical student and academic services needed for learner success and uses learner feedback to continuously improve those services.

Online courses can and are frequently taken by main-campus students who wish to supplement their main-campus schedules or eliminate schedule conflicts with other on-campus classes.

For more information, visit www.bsu.edu/online.

Student Government Association

Student Government Association (SGA) serves as the collective voice for student concerns, provides valuable services for Ball State students, and invites all students to get involved in campus governance. For more information, please contact Student Government Association at 765-285-8631 or go to our website at www.bsu.edu/sga.

Rinker Center for Global Affairs

The Rinker Center for Global Affairs promotes diversity and cultural understanding; enriches the Ball State student, scholar and faculty experience, and encourages and supports global citizenry on all levels. Made up of four units (Study Abroad, International Services, Academic Engagement and Global Initiatives, and the Intensive English Institute) the Rinker Center is a recognized facilitator for international initiatives within Ball State University and the greater global community, and serves as a ready resource for both campus and community members.

Study Abroad supports BSU students to engage in credit-bearing, high impact, international experiences that can include both study and work. Programs vary in length, location, and cost.

International Services provides all aspects of F-1/J-1 student compliance, orientation, and cultural engagement activities. Intercultural programming is also provided to the BSU and local community.

Academic Engagement and Global Initiatives facilitates and supports all aspects of strategic institutional internationalization including global partnership development, international relationship management, and global operations assessment.

The Intensive English Institute supports ESL-only and conditionally admitted international students through language proficiency development, acculturation to the U.S. classroom experience and broader cultural experiences.

For information on the services offered by the Rinker Center for Global Affairs, call 765-285-5422.

The Office of Student Life

Student Life supports the academic mission of the university through leadership development, civic engagement, and service learning opportunities for students. In partnership with faculty and academic units, students participate in service learning experiences coordinated through Student Voluntary Services (SVS). Additionally, students may add the interdisciplinary Leadership Studies minor offered through the Department of Educational Leadership.  Student Life also supports the administrative and developmental needs of 400+ registered student organizations that contribute to the student experience on campus. For more information, call the Office of Student Life at 765-285-2621 or visit our Web site www.bsu.edu/studentlife.

University College

University College is an interdisciplinary, collaborative academic unit that offers student-centered programs and services that enhance students’ success. Our programs and services focus on assisting students with the development of the knowledge and skills needed for success in the collegiate environment.  As a hub for student academic support, University College houses first-year and upper-division academic advising, student athlete support services, the learning center, student success coaching, and the first-year experience. 

University College coordinates existing university resources and develops new initiatives to promote academic excellence and enhance student retention and persistence.  It provides a setting where faculty, staff, and students share in the responsibility for making Ball State a supportive, caring, and challenging environment for learning by:

Promoting student learning
Focusing on individual student success
Establishing traditions and recognizing accomplishments
Providing a quality first-year experience
Developing strong connections with degree-granting units
Creating a community that values diversity
Committing to intentional reflection and assessment.

Additional University College programs and services include:

An academic recovery program to assist students on academic probation.
ID 101, the freshman seminar course.
Specific programs for exploratory (undecided) students, students with disabilities, and student athletes.

For information about specific services, call University College at 765-285-1161.