2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Repetition

An undergraduate student may repeat a course an unlimited number of times except in cases where a department has imposed repetition limits. The repetition of a course does not remove the previous grade from the student’s official academic record. Unless it is a variable credit course, the last grade in a course will be used in computing the student’s grade-point average (GPA). 

For variable credit courses, the course is not considered a repetition until the student exceeds the maximum number of credit hours for the course as specified in the catalog.  All attempts in variable credit courses are included in a student’s GPA calculation until the catalog limit is exceeded, then the first attempt is excluded from the GPA and total earned credit hours as limited by the catalog.  For example, if a course is 3-12 credits with a maximum of 12 credits that may be earned, all attempts will be included in the GPA calculation until the student exceeds 12 credit hours, at which point the first attempt will be excluded.

For any repeated course, the credits will count only once toward meeting minimum credit requirements for graduation. The University is not obligated to offer courses so that a student can repeat them. Students are strongly encouraged to meet regularly with an advisor.  Please note, a W grade will not replace a previously earned academic grade when repeating a course.