Major in Health Education and Promotion (BA/BS)
The BA/BS in Health Education and Promotion prepares students to work as health education specialists in community health settings that include, but are not limited to, governmental health agencies, community health agencies, clinical health settings, and in businesses and industries. A minor is recommended for this program. Minors often selected include interpersonal relations, marketing, communication studies, management, psychology of human development, sociology, and workplace wellness.
In addition to the coursework required in this major, students must also complete a semester-long internship. In order to gain admission to the internship program, students must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 in HSC 200, 210, 301, 302, 310, 344, 387, 388, 487 and 494. As a senior capstone, the internship course (HSC 479) should be the last course taken and and students should not plan to take other courses.
Graduates of the Health Education and Promotion Program are eligible to sit for the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) exam. The CHES designation signifies an individual who has met required academic preparation qualification, has successfully passed a competency-based examination, and satisfies the continuing education requirement to maintain the national credential.
Major courses comprise 75 credits.
75 credits
Required Courses
ANAT 201 | Fundamentals of Human Anatomy | 3 |
HSC 160 | Fundamentals of Human Health | 3 |
HSC 180 | Principles of Public Health | 3 |
HSC 200 | Introduction to Health Education and Promotion | 3 |
HSC 210 | Health Behavior Theories | 3 |
HSC 220 | Population, Race, and Culture in Health Education and Promotion | 3 |
HSC 301 | Program Planning in Health Education and Promotion 1 | 3 |
HSC 302 | Program Planning in Health Education and Promotion 2 | 3 |
HSC 310 | Healthcare Systems | 3 |
HSC 344 | Disease Management in Health Education and Promotion | 3 |
HSC 387 | Quantitative Methods and Epidemiology in Health Promotion | 3 |
HSC 388 | Organization and Administration in Health Education and Promotion | 3 |
HSC 479 | Internship | 6 |
HSC 482 | Environmental Health | 3 |
HSC 487 | Applied Research, Writing, and Evaluation in Health Education and Promotion | 3 |
HSC 494 | Health Communication | 3 |
HSC 495 | Professional Preparation in Health Education and Promotion | 3 |
NUTR 275 | Personal Nutrition | 3 |
| or | |
NUTR 340 | Principles of Human Nutrition | 3 |
PHYS 205 | Fundamentals of Human Physiology | 3 |
HSC 330 | Intervention Strategies for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention | 3 |
3 credits from
EXSC 302 | Physical Activity Throughout the Lifespan | 3 |
GERO 440 | Women and Aging | 3 |
HSC 365 | Health and Aging | 3 |
HSC 372 | Women and Health | 3 |
NUTR 360 | Nutrition and Cardiometabolic Disease | 3 |
NUTR 448 | Nutrition and Weight Management | 3 |
PSYS 324 | Psychology of Women and Gender | 3 |
SOC 341 | Sociology of Health and Illness | 3 |
WWIN 201 | Improving Worker Wellbeing: A Multidisciplinary Approach | 3 |
3 credits from
CPSY 470 | Introduction to Cross-Cultural Counseling | 3 |
HOSP 395 | Food and Culture | 3 |
HSC 261 | Health, Sexuality, and Family Life | 3 |
SOC 320 | Social Inequality | 3 |
SOC 328 | Globalization and the Social World | 3 |
SOC 434 | Sociology of Human Sexuality | 3 |
WGS 220 | International Women's Issues | 3 |
3 credits from
COMM 320 | Persuasion | 3 |
COMM 335 | Communication and Health | 3 |
CPSY 420 | Techniques of Psychological Interventions | 3 |
EMHS 350 | Hazardous Materials Health and Safety | 3 |
EMHS 351 | Introduction to Emergency Management and Homeland Security | 3 |
HSC 295 | Reading, Technology, and Instructional Strategies in School Health | 3 |
| or | |
HSC 350 | Elementary School Health Program | 3 |
MGT 300 | Managing Behavior in Organizations | 3 |
MKG 375 | Social Media Marketing | 3 |
WWIN 310 | Workplace Wellness Administration | 3 |
WWIN 405 | Workplace Wellness Coaching | 3 |
3 credits from
Total Credits: 75