Graduate Minor in Counseling
The masters minor in counseling requires 15 hours of counseling courses. The minor is designed for students who wish to gain knowledge about the field of counseling. The minor is designed to enhance the student's work in the student’s primary field of study; it is NOT sufficient to prepare a student for licensure as a counselor.
Students requesting the minor must have completed 15 semester or 24 quarter hours of undergraduate psychology courses with a GPA of 3.0 or better OR be granted permission from the CPSY Department Chair.
Application Materials: Students must submit the Graduate Minor Application Form, a copy of undergraduate transcript(s) showing relevant psychology coursework and in addition, at least one letter of recommendation must be submitted directly to the department.
15 Credits
Choose One Course from the Following Required Courses
CPSY 603 | Introduction to Rehabilitation Counseling | 3 |
CPSY 605 | Introduction to Clinical Mental Health Counseling | 3 |
Required Courses
CPSY 606 | Pre-Practicum Interviewing Skills | 3 |
CPSY 621 | Theories and Techniques of Counseling | 3 |
CPSY 688 | Process and Techniques of Group Counseling | 3 |
CPSY 644 | Practicum in Counseling | 3 |
Students must also pass an ethics exam given in CPSY 606 and receive a grade of B or better in CPSY 606 and CPSY 644.
Total Credits: 15
Total Credit Hours: 15