2022-2023 Graduate Catalog


Art and Journalism Building 401, 765-285-5838

The graduate program in art trains students to develop significant ideas and to master the advanced tools and methods of inquiry for creating art. Creating art forms and teaching art are highly individualized activities that require an understanding of four major activities related to art—perceiving, producing, knowing, and evaluating—that help students evaluate and understand themselves and the world they live in.


The graduate program of study leading to the Master of Fine Arts degree offers concentrations in animation, glass, ceramics, metals, and sculpture/intermedia.

Students are expected to develop and refine studio skills, education skills and academic scholarship to a level of professional excellence. The program enables students to work closely with studio faculty in excellent facilities, to become ambassadors of the visual arts in communities, colleges and school systems, and to enrich their lives through personal exploration and intellectual curiosity.