2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog

Admission Requirements for Transfer Applicants

Admission decisions will be based upon applicants’ academic records at all educational institutions attended. Applicants must be in good academic standing and eligible to return immediately to the institution last attended.

To be considered for admission, applicants must have cumulative grade-point averages of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale for all transferable course work attempted. Remedial, vocational, and courses from institutions that are not regionally accredited (Middle States Association, North Central Association, New England Association, Northwest Association, Southern Association, Western Association) are not transferable. Although credit earned from unaccredited colleges and universities is not accepted at Ball State University as transfer credit, transcripts from all such institutions attended are still required.

Students who apply for admission to Ball State University while currently enrolled at other colleges and universities may be admitted with condition to Ball State on incomplete transcripts based on their current college or university cumulative grade-point averages. Admission granted under such circumstances will be withdrawn if the cumulative grade-point average falls below 2.0.

Students who were not admissible to Ball State out of high school and not offered another pathway into Ball State will be asked to complete a minimum of 24 credits of college-level course work (remedial or skill building classes do not count) and earn a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) at an accredited two- or four-year college or university before being considered for admission to Ball State as a transfer student.

Acceptance of Transfer Credit. Generally, all nonremedial, nonvocational courses in which a student earns a 2.0 or better at colleges and universities accredited by regional accrediting agencies are accepted by Ball State University. Students may petition the appropriate academic department for the acceptance of vocational courses. Only course credit transfers to Ball State University; no grades transfer.

Information about how credits will transfer to Ball State may be obtained through transferin.net or contact the office of admissions at 765-285-8300 or transfer@bsu.edu. Courses at Ball State University are offered on a semester and term basis, and credits earned are in semester hours. To convert quarter hours to semester hours, multiply the number of quarter hours by 2/3. Two semester hours are generally equivalent to three quarter hours. Ball State University has procedures in place to accommodate conversions.

Application of Transfer Credit. For admitted students, the application of transfer credit toward a degree at Ball State University will be articulated based on rules defined by University Academic Affairs.   Official Ball State University course equivalents are established by University Academic Affairs in consultation with the appropriate academic department.

Transfer of Credit Earned in Vocational Degree Programs. Vocational degree programs are designed to prepare students for immediate employment rather than for further study at other colleges or universities; therefore, such credits are not directly transferable. For example, degree programs in automotive repair, cosmetology, commercial driving, etc., are considered to be vocational studies. Exceptions to this rule are made when the providers of occupational programs and Ball State University have agreements for transferring credits.

IVY Tech Community College of Indiana credits. Ball State will accept the Ivy Tech credits articulated with Indiana’s public universities if they were taken in the fall of 1993 or later. All other credits earned in the fall of 1995 or later will be accepted in transfer except those courses that are primarily vocational in nature.

Transfer Student Housing Policy. All transfer students who have 24 or fewer credits must live in university housing unless they are 21 years of age, married, living with their parents in the parents’ primary residence which is no more than 60 miles from the Ball State campus, or have completed two semesters at Ball State. Admission to the university guarantees housing to transfer students in this category.