2021-2022 Graduate Catalog

Master of Public Administration (MPA)

This degree provides graduate professional education to students who wish to prepare for careers in public management at the federal, state, or local government level, with nonprofit organizations, or with private sector corporations extensively involved with government. A fulltime student can complete the MPA program, including internship, in two academic years. The requirements of the program ensure that each student will have a theoretical understanding and practical awareness of public policy and of the principles of management and administration in the public sector and nonprofit sector.

The flexibility of the program allows students to tailor an interdisciplinary curriculum to their needs, objectives, and goals. Program options include disciplinary concentrations, which allow students to combine the study of public administration and policy with course work in substantive policy areas.

Alternatively, students may choose to build a customized course of study through elective courses. Each student’s background will be evaluated individually, and recommendations on program content will be made according to the student’s educational and job experiences and career plans. Selection of such courses must be made in consultation with the major advisor. Students may complete part of their MPA elective courses in such departments as accounting; criminal justice and criminology; information and communication science; economics; journalism; educational leadership; marketing, management; environment, geology, and natural resources; social work; and sociology.

Many opportunities exist for student participation in workshops and experiential learning settings where students can interact with public and nonprofit administrators. Students without appropriate professional experience will be required to complete a full-time internship for credit.

Before graduation, all students must pass written examination, which consists of a portfolio of work that includes:

  • Major papers produced by the students in the courses in the core area of study.
  • Major papers produced to fulfill the student’s research requirements, and
  • An evaluative, reflective essay of 10-15 pages that describes how the process of creating this body of work has enhanced the student’s knowledge and competency for public service.

The MPA examination committee, consisting of three faculty members from the MPA core faculty, will review the portfolio.


36-41 credits

Core area of study for all concentrations (18 credits)

POLS 625Research Methods in Political Science


POLS 648Policy Design and Advocacy


POLS 650Introduction to Public and Nonprofit Administration


POLS 651Managing Organizations for Public Services


POLS 652Managing Human Resources for Public Services


POLS 653Public and Nonprofit Financial Management


Research requirement for all concentrations (3-6 credits)

POLS 626Research Seminar



RES 697Research Paper

1 TO 3


THES 698Thesis

1 TO 6

If RES 697 is chosen, it must be taken for 3 credits; if THES 698, it must be taken for 6 credits.

MPA with Criminal Justice and Criminology Concentration 15 credits

MPA with Criminal Justice and Criminology Concentration (15 credits)

Electives in public administration or related area as approved by the department

CJC concentration requirements

CJC 650Criminal Justice Administration


CJC 651Interpersonal Relations in Criminal Justice


CJC 652Philosophical Aspects of Criminal Justice Practice


CJC 690Independent Study in Criminal Justice

1 TO 3

MPA with Information and Communication Technology Concentration (17 credits)

Elective in public administration or related area as approved by the department (3 credits)

ICS concentration requirements (14 credits)

ICS 620Information and Communication Technologies, Standards and Lab I


ICS 621Information and Communication Technologies, Standards and Lab II


6 credits from

CS 639Seminar in Computer Science

3 TO 6

ICS 623Systems Engineering in Information & Communication Technology


ICS 624Knowledge Management


ICS 645Database Systems and Analytics


ICS 691Internet, TCP/IP, and Internetworking


ISOM 601Introduction to Computer and Network Security


MBA 623Electronic Commerce



other courses as approved by the ICT certificate advisor

MPA with Social Issues and Policy (SIP) Concentration (15 credits)

SIP concentration requirements

SOCW 603Rural Social Work


SOCW 611Social Work Practice 1


SOCW 621Social Welfare Policy and Programs


SOCW 671Social Work with Elders


3 credits from

SOCW 602Diversity, Oppression, and Privilege


SOCW 612Social Work Practice 2


SOCW 630Micro Perspectives of Human Behavior in the Social Environment


SOCW 631Macro Perspectives of Human Behavior in the Social Environment


SOCW 674Social Work in Health Care


SOCW 682Advanced Social Welfare Policyand Programs


MPA with Urban Planning (UP) Concentration (15 credits)

UP concentration requirements

PLAN 510Planning Law


PLAN 606Introduction to Urban Planning


PLAN 607Urban Land-use Planning


PLAN 613Qualitative Methods and Social Justice


3 credits from

PLAN 512Introduction to Geographic Information Systems for Urban Planning


PLAN 530Housing and Community Development


PLAN 585Introduction to Community Development and Enterprise Planning


PLAN 605Design and Presentation Techniques

1 TO 3

PLAN 637Impact Analysis


MPA with customized course of study concentration 15 credits

MPA with Customized Course of Study Concentration (15 credits)

Electives in public administration and related areas as approved by the department