2020-2021 Graduate Catalog

EDPS 612 Psychological Consultation

This course is designed to provide basic theoretical, empirical, and applicable knowledge of consultation as practiced by school- and child-focused psychologists.  By the end of this class, students should be able to: identify concerns and provide recommendations for a range of problematic behaviors and academic concerns, know all steps and be proficient to begin consultation with parents, teachers and administrators about a range of typical learning and behavioral concerns in school and pediatric settings, and identify the important components of systems and administrative consultation.  At the conclusion of this course, students should know how to enter a system and provide entry-level professional-quality consultation services to school settings or other organizations that serve children and adolescents.  Time spent with routines and expectations of schools and other professional settings through experiences such as observations, meeting attendance, policy review, and teaming with advanced students.

Prerequisite: EDPS 653; permission of the department.

Open only to School Psychology (EdS and PhD).
