2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog

MGT 491 Business Policy and Strategic Management

Integration of various functional areas of business. Development and administration of strategy and policy in private and public sector organizations. Case studies focus on strategic decisions that enable an organization to relate effectively to its industrial, national, and international environments. Normally taken during the last semester of a student's program.

Prerequisite: senior standing; completion of all Miller College of Business core classes including ACC 201, ACC 202, BL 260, ECON 201, ECON 202ECON 221, FIN 300, ISOM 125, ISOM 210, ISOM 249, ISOM 351, MGT 300, MKG 300, MATH 132 or MATH 161 or MATH 162 or MATH 165 or MATH 166. No simultaneous enrollment allowed.
