2019-2020 Graduate Catalog

Certificate in Digital Fabrication

CIP Code


12 credits

The Department of Architecture offers a 12-credit, graduate certificate in design and digital fabrication which encourages students to pursue a broad spectrum of inquiries in the translation of digital processes, while simultaneously working alongside industry partners in an open and collaborative environment. Through immersive projects deploying interdisciplinary, applied design and fabrication research, the certificate engages in immersive projects and research methods, which challenge existing modes of practice and design through state of the art technological innovation.

Core requirements

ARCH 581Design Computation and Fabrication Core Projects


Total Credits:3

9 credits from electives

ARCH 593Design Computation and Fabrication Applications

3 TO 6

ARCH 594Immersive Practicum

3 TO 6

ARCH 634Advanced Fabrication

3 TO 6

TEDU 697Problems in Technology Education

1 TO 3

Total Credits:9

Total Credits: 12