2019-2020 Graduate Catalog

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Environmental Science

CIP Code


90 credits

This degree prepares graduates for careers in post-secondary education, where research is among the professional expectations, and for careers in scientific research in the public and private sectors. Unique to this degree is its interdisciplinary focus. Each student’s program originates in a major discipline, is complemented by coursework from other scientific disciplines, and culminates in a dissertation that draws from more than one discipline. Each student will participate in an interdisciplinary research colloquium every semester in residence and will present his/her research at several meetings of the colloquium. Students develop the skills necessary to pursue complex questions in Environmental Science that requires an interdisciplinary approach. Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Graduate School.

Degree requirements

Environmental science foundation courses, 12 credits

GEOL 601Seminar in Environmental Geology

1 TO 3

CHEM 627Analytical Chemistry in the Environmental Sciences


GEOG 625GIS for Environmental Science


BIO 656Ecosystem Ecology


Total Credits:12

Numerical methods, 3 credits

BIO 657Multivariate Analysis of Environmental Data



GEOG 618Quantitative Methods in Environmental Geography


Total Credits:3

Research in Environmental Sciences, 21 credits

ID 605Academic Colloquium


SCI 790Internship in Science Education

1 TO 4

DISS 799Doctoral Dissertation

1 TO 24

Total Credits:21


Total Credits:24

Approved graduate transfer credit

Total Credits:30

Total Credits: 90