2019-2020 Graduate Catalog

Master of Fine Arts in Visual Arts

CIP Code


The MFA visual arts program allows students to earn a terminal degree in the Visual Arts (Animation, Glass, Ceramics, Metals, Sculpture/Intermedia) through studio and seminar courses. A total of 60 credits must be earned in a minimum six semesters. The MFA in Animation concentration is temporarily suspended at this time.

60 credits

The MFA visual arts program allows students to earn a terminal degree in the Visual Arts (animation, Glass, Ceramics, Metals, Sculpture/Intermedia) through studio and seminar courses. A total of 60 credits must be earned in a minimum six semesters.

Core requirements, 33 credits

AED 604Teaching Studio Art


AHS 698Art History Seminar


ART 600Writing Practicum


ART 601Critique Seminar


ART 602Professional Practice


CRPR 698Creative Project

3 OR 6

Complete one studio concentration

Animation, 18 credits

Admissions suspended. 

Glass, 18 credits

ACR 531Advanced Glass

3 TO 6

ACR 631Glass Studio

3 TO 6

Ceramics, 18 credits

ACR 511Advanced Ceramics

3 TO 6

ACR 611Ceramics Studio

3 TO 6

Metals, 18 credits

ACR 521Advanced Metals

3 TO 6

ACR 621Metals Studio

3 TO 6

Sculpture/Intermedia, 18 credits

AFA 521Advanced Sculpture/Intermedia

3 TO 6

AFA 621Sculpture/Intermedia Studio

3 TO 6

Total Credits:18

Studio/academic electives, 9 credits

Total Credits:9

Total Credits: 27

Total Credit Hours: 60