Master of Arts in Telecommunications
38 credits
The Master of Arts program in Telecommunications (Digital Storytelling) empowers students to craft compelling stories for a trans-media, multi-platform environment. Students have access to the latest technologies and leading-edge facilities, and learn to investigate, research, and study issues related to new forms of digital media. The program prepares communication professionals for the multidisciplinary perspectives needed to produce and manage content for a variety of digital media, or to pursue doctoral studies in media and digital storytelling. The curriculum combines courses in digital media production with courses in media theory and research methods. Students also have the option to pursue either a creative project or thesis capstone.
Required Courses
Choose one of the following:
TCOM 660 | Intercultural Immersion | 3 |
TCOM 669 | Professional Experience | 1 |
Total Credits: | 1-3 |
Research methods, 3 credits from
PR 680 | Journalism and Mass Communication Research Methods | 3 |
TCOM 602 | Foundations of Digital Storytelling 2 | 3 |
Total Credits: | 3 |
Research requirement, 6 credits from
Design requirement, 6 credits from
ICS 667 | Design of Information and Communication Technology Learning Systems | 3 |
JOUR 623 | Visual Storytelling | 3 |
TCOM 631 | Digital Production 2 | 3 |
TCOM 632 | Digital Media Design Seminar | 3 |
TCOM 633 | Digital Audio Production | 3 |
Total Credits: | 6 |
Production and applications, 9-11 credits from
COMM 614 | Contemporary Rhetoric and Public Issues | 3 |
COMM 650 | Communication Training in Organizations | 3 |
COMM 690 | Seminar in Communication | 3 |
ICS 620 | Information and Communication Technologies, Standards and Lab I | 4 |
ICS 642 | Regulatory Research in Context/Problems in Information Communication | 3 |
ICS 660 | Human Factors, Needs Assessment, and User-Driven Design | 3 |
JOUR 613 | Seminar in Literary Journalism | 3 |
JOUR 614 | Writing Literary Journalism | 3 |
JOUR 615 | Data Journalism and Research Methods | 3 |
TCOM 631 | Digital Production 2 | 3 |
TCOM 632 | Digital Media Design Seminar | 3 |
TCOM 633 | Digital Audio Production | 3 |
TCOM 669 | Professional Experience | 1 |
TCOM 680 | Seminar in Current Topics | 3 TO 6 |
TCOM 690 | Directed Study | 3 TO 6 |
Total Credits: | 9-11 |
Total Credits: 38
Other courses that meet the student’s needs may be substituted, assuming that the student meets the course prerequisites and is preapproved by the program coordinator. Courses from English, history, theatre, marketing, art, music technology, architecture, and the Teachers College may be particularly useful supplements to the study of telecommunications.