2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Course Requirements

The student must complete, including the thesis, at least 30 credits of graduate work beyond the master’s degree. The candidate will not be permitted to carry more than 15 graduate credits in a semester or 12 credits for the combined summer terms. If the student is employed, the course load should be reduced proportionately. At least 24 of the 30 credits required for the specialist in education degree must be taken in residence.

A candidate for the specialist in education degree may, on recommendation of his or her committee, apply up to 9 credits of graduate work taken beyond the master’s degree toward the specialist in education degree if such course work does not violate other degree requirements.

Approved Program of Study

During the first semester of study, specialist in education students are expected to establish an advising committee and to file an approved program of study with the Graduate School. Failure to meet this deadline may result in refusal to accept further course registration.


A student will have a committee of three, typically appointed during the first semester of graduate work beyond the master’s degree. The committee, including the committee chairperson, will be appointed by the department chairperson in consultation with the candidate. Until the committee is appointed, the department chairperson or delegated representative will act as the student’s program advisor. The committee, in consultation with the student, will develop the plan of study and guide the thesis. In cooperation with the Graduate School, the committee also will determine if and when the student is qualified to be admitted to candidacy for the degree, and finally, for the awarding of the degree.

Field Experience or Internship

Departments offering programs leading to the specialist in education degree may approve, as an alternative to the 6-credit thesis requirement, a 6-credit supervised field experience or internship. This option is for students whose program purposes warrant such an alternative. A report written by the candidate and approved by the supervising professor must be filed in the academic unit offering the program. If the internship or field study option is selected, the student’s committee will determine that research competencies are demonstrated.

Final Examination

All candidates will be required to pass final written and oral examinations, administered by the candidate’s committee.

The student’s thesis must be approved by the committee and the department chairperson before final oral and written examinations are taken. The final oral and written examinations must be taken at least two weeks before the close of the semester or term in which the student is to be certified. When the student satisfactorily passes the final oral and written examinations, the committee will file the signed approval form in the Graduate School office. This form is available in the Graduate School office.

Application for Graduation from the Specialist in Education (EdS) Program

All specialist in education degree candidates must file an application for graduation in the Graduate School.

Completion of Specialist in Education (EdS) Degree Requirements

The student will be awarded the specialist in education degree after having

  • Satisfactorily completed all course requirements with a GPA of at least 3.2.
  • Satisfactorily passed the final written and oral examinations.
  • Submitted an acceptable thesis or earned 6 credits in a supervised field experience or internship that has been approved by the candidate’s committee.