2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Master of Arts in Executive Development for Public Service

30 credits

An interdisciplinary and intercollegiate degree, the executive development program prepares graduates to provide educational services in a variety of social, industrial, health and human services, military, and governmental settings. A broad range of courses related to management and public agency administration are offered to prepare students to function in an executive, managerial, or supervisory capacity within government or not-for-profit agencies.

Program Objectives

  • Provide an in-depth examination of society and community.
  • Develop an awareness of the role of government in individual lives.
  • Emphasize an understanding of human behavior and the differences among individuals comprising public service organizations.
  • Teach principles of human relations and communication techniques.
  • Provide training in the application of principles of administration and management.
  • Provide opportunities to design a unique program of study based on educational expectations and occupational goals.

Degree requirements

The MA degree program requires at least 30 credits of graduate course work. Students must maintain a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Students must complete a research requirement. Students must take at least two courses in adult education and at least one course from four of the other seven categories of study:

  • adult education, program evaluation, and staff development
  • business and related areas
  • communications
  • computer science and educational technology
  • educational administration and supervision
  • health science, gerontology, and wellness
  • political science
  • psychology
  • other concentrations approved by the student’s advisor

It is strongly recommended that students choose one additional course from adult education, management, communication studies, political science, and psychology to complement their skills or competencies and to sharpen a public service focus.

In order to meet research requirements, students often elect from EDPS 640: Methodology of Educational and Psychological Research; EDST 697: The Grant Process and Research; EDST 660: Ethnographic Research in Education; or POLS 625: Research Methods in Political Science.


Students may elect a 2- or 3-credit internship with a business or a not-for-profit firm by taking EDAC 699 Internship in Adult and Community Education. This field experience or internship is under the joint supervision of the university (supervisor) and an experienced practitioner in an approved business or nonprofit setting. Permission of the program director and/or department chairperson is required. A total of 6 credits may be earned.