2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Master of Architecture II (March II)

30 credits

Core area


Concentrational area


Thesis or creative project




30 crs

The MArch II program offers students from diverse geographical, educational, and professional backgrounds a highly customizable platform from which to explore innovation with multiple applications to advanced design. This flexible curriculum offers students opportunities to engage the wide range of course offerings within the university and develop interdisciplinary, entrepreneurial, and immersive design and research projects. Research and collaboration with industry partners and a hands-on perspective are key philosophies.

The core requirement may be waived in response to the student’s education and research interests, and a plan of study will be tailored to her/his specific needs. Credit transfers will be reviewed individually, and the degree may be pursued in tandem with one or more of the university’s certificate programs. The minimum degree requirement is 30 graduate credits, and students are required to complete a 6-credit thesis or creative project.