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2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
> SOC - Sociology
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Programs of Study
General Information
Degree Requirements and Time Limit
Educational Opportunities and Student Services
Academic Programs
University Core Curriculum
Course Prefixes and Numbers
Interdepartmental Programs
Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning
Miller College of Business
College of Communication, Information, and Media
College of Fine Arts
College of Health
Honors College
College of Sciences and Humanities
Teachers College
ACC - Accounting
ACR - Art: Crafts
ADPR- Advertising and Public Relations
ADS - Art: Design
AED - Art: Education
AFA - Art: Fine Arts
AFAM - African American Stds
AFR - African Studies
AHS - Art: History
AHSC - Allied Health Science
AMST - American Studies
ANAT - Anatomy
ANTH - Anthropology
APHY - Applied Physics
AQUA - Aquatics
AR - Arabic
ARCH - Architecture
ART - Art
ASIA - Asian Studies
ASTR - Astronomy
BA - Business Analytics
BIO - Biology
BIOT - Biotechnology
BIS - Business Information Systems
BL - Business Law
BOT - Botany
BUSA - Business Administrtn
CANS - Canadian Studies
CAP - Coll Arch & Planning
CC - Classical Culture
CCIM - Coll Comm, Info & Media
CFA - College of Fine Arts
CH - Chinese
CHEM - Chemistry
CIS - Computer Info Systems
CJC - Crim Justice & Crim
CM - Construction Management
COH - College of Health
COMM - Communication Stds
CPSY - Counseling Psych
CS - Computer Science
CSHU - Sci & Hum
CT - Computer Technology
DANA - Data Analytics
DANC - Dance
DOTD - Department of Theatre and Dance
ECON - Economics
ECYF - Early Child Youth Fam
EDAC - Ed: Adult & Communty
EDAD - Ed: Admin & Super
EDAL - Ed: All Grade
EDCU - Education: Curriculm
EDEL - Educ: Elementary
EDFO - Educ: Foundations
EDGE - Education: General
EDHI - Education: Higher
EDJH - Ed: Jr Hi Mid Schl
EDPS - Educ: Psychology
EDRD - Education: Reading
EDSE - Education: Secondry
EDTE - Education: Technology
EMDD - Emerging Media Des Dev
EMHS - Emer Mgt Hmlnd Sec
ENEF - English-Forgn Lang
ENG - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENIE - Eng:Intense.Eng.Inst
ENT - Entrepreneurship
EURO - European Studies
EXSC - Exercise Science
FASH - Fashion
FCFC - Fam & Con Sci Fam & Chl
FCGI - Fam & Con Sci, General
FIN - Finance
FL - Foreign Languages
FOR - Forensic Science
FR - French
FYS - First Year Seminar
GCM - Graphic Comm Mgt
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GER - German
GERO - Gerontology
GLST - Global Studies
GRK - Greek
HHUM - Health Humanities
HIST - History
HONR - Honors
HSC - Health Science
IDES - Interior Design
ID - Interdepartmental
IEI - Intense.Eng.Institut
INAD - Intern Fashion Apparel
INFM - Intern Fashion Merch
INSA - International Study Abroad
INTB - Intl Bus Administration
INTS - Intl Study Abroad
IS - International Studies
ISOM - Info Sys & Opert Mgt
JAPA - Japanese
JOUR - Journalism
KEPA - Kinesiology Physical Activity
KINE - Kinesiology
LA - Landscape Architect
LAS - Latin American Stds
LAT - Latin
LSCM - Logistics & Sply Chain
MATH - Mathematics
MCOB - Miller College of Business
MDIA - Media
MEDT - Medical Technology
METC - Meteorology-Climatology
MGT - Management
MIL - Military Science
MKG - Marketing
ML - Modern Languages
MMP - Music, Media and Prod
MUHI - Music: History
MUSC - School of Music
MUSE - Music: Education
MUSP - Music: Performance
MUST - Music: Theory & Comp
NEWS - News
NREM - Natural Res & Env Mg
NSE - National Student Ex
NUR - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
PEP - Phys Ed: Professnal
PFW - Phycl Ed Fit Wellnss
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYC - Physics
PHYS - Physiology
PLAN - Planning
PMGT - Residential Prop Mgt
POLS - Political Science
PSCR - Peace Stds Conflict Res
PSYS - Psychological Science
RELS - Religious Studies
RE - Real Estate
RMI - Risk Mgt & Insurance
SCI - Science
SEPS - Sport Exercise Psych
SNLN - Sign Language
SOC - Sociology
SOCW - Social Work
SPAA - Speech Path & Audio
SPCE - Special Education
SP - Spanish
SPST - Sports Studies
SPTA - Sport Administration
SS - Social Science
SUST - Sustainability
TDPT - Technology: Department
TEDU - Technology: Education
THEA - Theatre
UCOL - University College
VBC - Virgina Ball Center
WELN - Wellness
WGS - Women's & Gender Studies
WWIN - Workplace Wellness
ZOOL - Zoology
University Schools
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SOC - Sociology
SOC 100
Principles of Sociology
SOC 200
Sociological Thinking
SOC 221
Introduction to Race and Ethnic Relations
SOC 224
Family and Society
SOC 227
Spirituality, Self, and Society
SOC 231
Sociology of Asia and Asian America
SOC 235
Sociology of Gender
SOC 242
Social Problems
SOC 250
LGBTQ+ Sociology
SOC 260
Social Interaction
SOC 299X
Experimental and Developmental Topics in Sociology
SOC 312
SOC 320
Social Inequality
SOC 328
Globalization and the Social World
SOC 329
Work and Society
SOC 333
Sociology of Media
SOC 341
Sociology of Health and Illness
SOC 343
SOC 355
Environmental Sociology
SOC 369
Internship Experience - Paid
SOC 380
Sociological Research Methods
SOC 382
Applied Social Statistics
SOC 390
Honors Colloquium in General Sociology
SOC 402
Sociological Theory
SOC 421
Racial and Cultural Minorities in the United States
SOC 422
Analysis of Social Inequality and Social Trends
SOC 424
SOC 425
Sociology of Law
SOC 427
Sociology of Religions
SOC 431
Aging and the Life Course
SOC 433
Sociology of Mental Health
SOC 434
Sociology of Human Sexuality
SOC 441
Social Change
SOC 450
Sociology of Education
SOC 470
Population Dynamics and Demographic Methods
SOC 472
Urban Dynamics and Problems
SOC 488
Internship Experience - Unpaid
SOC 490
Independent Study of Sociology
SOC 492
Capstone Course in Sociology
SOC 499
Advanced Topics in Sociology
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