2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Educational Studies

Teachers College 805, 765-285-5461

The department offers a variety of graduate programs for students interested in working in secondary and junior high/middle school (grades 5-12), higher education, adult and community education, and curriculum and educational technology. Graduate courses and program emphases are available in adult, community, curriculum; history, philosophy, and sociology of education; computer education; multicultural education; junior high/middle school education; secondary education; supervision; and educational technology. Courses are designed and taught with a balance among theory, research, practice, and skills for the practicing educator.

Specific degree programs prepare graduates for careers in curriculum and instructional leadership, adult and community education, educational technology, and organizational development and administration. In addition, post-baccalaureate students seeking initial teacher certification may be able to simultaneously pursue a master’s degree program.


Departmental graduate programs include master of arts (MA) in adult and community education, curriculum and educational technology, executive development for public service, and secondary education; doctor of education (EdD) in adult and community education; and doctor of philosophy (PhD) in educational studies. A transition-to-teaching program is also available as are certificates in adult education, community education, computer education, diversity studies, middle level education, and qualitative research in education.