2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Master of Music

30-32 credits

The master of music (MM) degree requires that at least one-third of the credits be completed in a concentration. Concentrations include music performance, conducting, woodwinds, piano chamber music/accompanying, piano performance and pedagogy, music history and musicology, music education, music theory, and music composition. Each concentration offers in-depth study for students highly gifted in some facet of music performance, music composition, or research. To be eligible for acceptance into the Master of Music in music education program, applicants must have at least two years of K-12 school music teaching experience. A faculty-approved research project, creative project, recital, or thesis is required of all students. All master of music students are required to pass a comprehensive examination that is administered near the end of the program.  Further information about the MM is contained in the School of Music Graduate Handbook, available from the School of Music website.

Admission requirements

Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Graduate School and must also be approved by School of Music faculty. Performance applicants are asked to present an on-campus audition, or when a personal audition is not possible, to send an un-edited DVD of a full, live recital with attached program.  (There may be an accompanist fee, as needed.) Other forms of unedited media are acceptable with advance communication with the performance co concentration or studio of concern. Conducting applicants must audition in person.

Applicants for concentrations other than performance are asked to send samples of research papers, class projects, and compositions as appropriate. Before enrolling in required course work in music theory and history, applicants must achieve acceptable scores on the graduate placement tests. Students not achieving acceptable scores must complete a review course in theory and/or history.

Degree requirements

Concentration courses and required courses in music including credit for a thesis, research paper, or creative project, etc. 22-32
Electives in music, and electives 0-8

Total Credit Hours: 30-32