2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog

Major in Social Work (BSW)

Accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program is committed to enhancing the quality of life of people by educating students for beginning professional employment in social services and for graduate education. Bachelor of Social Work students complete a challenging campus and community-based academic program that requires the mastery of professional practice competencies needed to shape solutions for social problems by strengthening opportunities, resources, and capacities of people, and by promoting just social and economic policies and services.

69 credits

Admission and Retention Requirements

Formal Admission to the Social Work Major

1. While a student can declare social work as their major at any time, to complete the BSW degree a student must be formally admitted to the major through a selective process following the procedures listed below and meeting the requirements for admission. Students are encouraged to begin the formal admission process during the semester in which they intend to complete their 200 level social work courses or the first semester of their junior year. Note: Students must be admitted prior to registering for SOCW 325. Students may apply for admissions at three points throughout each academic calendar year (July 1st, October 1st, and March 1st). Admission procedures and requirements include:

A. completing an approved volunteer assignment of a minimum of twenty-five clock hours (course requirement in SOCW 200) and submitting a performance evaluation to the department;  (or copy of volunteer experience from transfer school)

B. obtaining at least two (Social Work) faculty references;

C. having earned a minimum grade-point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, in 100- and 200-level required social work courses for the major;

D. submitting a completed admission application to the department prior to the Summer, Fall and Spring due dates;

E. declaring any criminal convictions.

2. As part of the application for the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Program, students must prepare a personal narrative not to exceed four (4) pages in length.  This narrative is a critical part of the application.  The BSW Admissions Committee uses the narrative as a tool for evaluating a student's academic writing and goodness of fit with the social work major.  Students should utilize APA style to format the paper and cite sources (as appropriate).  For the narrative, students should respond to the following prompts:

Part One:  Explain the reasons for your interest in social work.  Elaborate on both personal and societal factors that have influenced your decision to pursue social work as a profession.  This can include any life experiences that have influenced your decision.

Part Two:  Discuss the field(s) of social work that is of the most interest to you.  Describe the skills you believe a successful social worker in this field possess.

Part Three:  Demonstrate self-awareness by discussing your strengths and weaknesses as it relates to working with populations at risk, specifically clients of various cultures and backgrounds.

Part Four:  Identify a social issue facing our society.  Briefly describe this problem and discuss how social workers might intervene with the social issue.  You should cite at least two peer-reviewed sources for this part of the paper using correct APA citations.

3. Admissions decisions are made by a committee consisting of a minimum of four faculty members from the department. The committee will review all application materials and determine whether to admit, interview, or deny admission to an applicant.

If the student application materials meet or exceed all expectations, then the student will be notified of their full admission to the major. An interview will be required if: (1) there are academic concerns, (2) concerns over the volunteer experience, (3) concerns with the self-disclosure statement, (4) concerns over academic references, or (5) concerns over conflicts with the Code of Ethics.

Students denied admission to or continuation in the major may appeal the decision within ten business days. Appeals are made by informing the department chairperson in writing that the decision to deny admission or continuation in the major is being appealed by specifying the basis of the appeal. The department chairperson will convene the social work faculty within ten business days of notification of the appeal to review all information obtained for the admission interviews, faculty advising conferences, and academic records. The BSW Student of Concern Committee will meet with the student within fourteen calendar days. The BSW Student of Concern Committee has the authority to admit or retain the student in the major. Students denied formal admission to or retention in the major will be advised of alternative options.  The Chair will make a decision regarding the appeal and will notify the student in writing of the decision.

Retention in the Social Work Major

To enroll in the senior-level required social work courses (SOCW 410, SOCW 430, SOCW 440, SOCW 460, and SOCW 462) students must have:

  • earned and maintained a cumulative minimum grade-point average of 2.5 in required social work courses and required nonsocial work courses;
  • earned a grade of C or better in SOCW 325;
  • successfully completed MATH 125 or equivalent prior to enrolling in SOCW 440.

To enroll in social work practicum courses (SOCW 460 and SOCW 462) students must have:

  • submitted a practicum application and resume to the Practicum Coordinator;
  • earned a minimum grade-point average of 2.5 in all required courses for the social work major;
  • passed a Diversity course and Health and Wellness course;
  • earned grades of C or better in SOCW 410, SOCW 430, SOCW 440;
  • to successfully complete the BSW degree program, students must have earned a grade of C or better in SOCW 460 and SOCW 462.

Minimum number of required courses for the major at Ball State University

  • Transfer students from other accredited BSW programs must take a minimum of 18 semester credits within the department including SOCW 410, SOCW 460, and SOCW 462 (18 credits) in order to complete the BSW degree at Ball State.
  • Transfer students must meet the department’s grade-point average requirements for the major and for the 400-level courses.

Required Courses

SOCW 100Introduction to Social Work


SOCW 200Social Work Practice 1 with Field Experience


SOCW 220Social Welfare Policy 1


SOCW 240Critical Thinking and Writing for Social Work Professionals


SOCW 250Human Behavior and the Social Environment 1


SOCW 310Social Work Practice 2


SOCW 320Social Welfare Policy and Programs 2


SOCW 325Human Behavior and the Social Environment 2


SOCW 340Research in Social Work 1


SOCW 410Social Work Practice3


SOCW 430Social Work Practice 4 with Field Experience


SOCW 440Research in Social Work 2


SOCW 460Social Work Practicum


SOCW 462Social Work Practicum Seminar


PSYS 100Introduction to Psychological Science


SOC 100Principles of Sociology



SOC 242Social Problems


6 Credits from

SOCW 370Selected Aspects of Social Work Practice


3 credits from elective (approved 300- or 400-level university course)


Health and Wellness Courses, 3 credits from

BIO 254Biology in the Social Context


CPSY 360Interrelational Aspects of Sexuality


HSC 261Health, Sexuality, and Family Life


HSC 365Health and Aging


HSC 367Drug Dependency and Abuse


HSC 371Death and Dying


HSC 372Women and Health


HSC 381Stress Management


NUTR 275Personal Nutrition


PSYS 367Introduction to Neuroscience


Diversity Courses, 3 credits from

ANTH 241Gender, Sex, and Sexuality


COMM 290Intercultural Communication


EDMU 205Introduction to Multicultural Education


GERO 440Women and Aging


PSYS 324Psychology of Women


PSYS 325Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination


PSYS 326Psychology of Diversity


RELS 285Religious Diversity in the United States


SOC 221Introduction to Race and Ethnic Relations


SOC 235Sociology of Gender


WGS 210Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies


WGS 220International Women's Issues